Craig Storey

Reader in Geology

  • Address: School of Earth & Environmental Sciences Burnaby Building Burnaby Road Portsmouth PO1 3QL
  • Telephone: 023 92 842245
  • Email:
  • Department: Earth and Environmental Sciences
  • Faculty: Science


I specialise in isotopic and geochemical methods applied to metamorphic, igneous and hydrothermal systems. In particular, I develop novel Laser Ablation ICP-MS techniques for the in-situ study of accessory minerals. My current research focus is on the secular evolution of the continental crust and complementary depleted mantle from the beginnings of the Earth through to the present day. I am also investigating the onset of “modern” plate tectonics and how to use accessory minerals to provenance ice coverage on Greenland. In addition, I have projects investigating the primary composition of kimberlitic magma as a probe of the lithospheric mantle, the evolution of the Sudbury impact melt sheet and the formation of Fe-oxide, copper and gold mineralization in Arctic Sweden. My ongoing interest is the tectonic evolution of the northwest Highlands of Scotland.

  • 2009-now: Senior Lecturer, Principal Research Fellow then Reader, University of Portsmouth
  • 2009-2012: Honorary Research Fellow, University of Bristol
  • 2006-2009: NERC Research Fellow, University of Bristol
  • 2004-2006: Research Fellow, Open University
  • 2004-: Scientific Associate: The Natural History Museum
  • 2003-2004: Research Officer, University of Brighton/Natural History museum
  • 2002: Scientific Officer, NERC Geoscience Laboratories
  • 1998-2002: PhD research, University of Leicester
  • 1994-1998: BSc, Oxford Brookes University

Current Projects

  1. Provenance of Ice on Greenland during the Mid-Pliocene
  2. The onset of “modern” plate tectonics on Earth
  3. Evolution of the continental crust – particularly in the Hadean and Early Archaean but other projects are focusing on Australia, northwest Scotland, Antarctica and Ukraine
  4. Formation of the Sudbury Impact Melt Sheet – one of the largest and oldest on Earth
  5. The mantle source and signature of kimberlites – new insights into kimberlite magma from the geochemistry and radiogenic isotopes
  6. Insights into formation of Fe-oxide and related copper and gold mineralization through use of novel geochemical and isotopic tracers within the mineral titanite
  7. Tectonic evolution of the northwest Highlands of Scotland
  8. Tectonic evolution of the Antarctic Peninsula
  9. Development of novel techniques for in-situ geochemical and isotopic measurements by Laser Ablation ICP-MS