1. Medeiros, G.; Martins, M.; Queiroga, G.; Dias, L.; Ciarallo, F.; Alkmim, F.; Dussin, I.; … Tectonostratigraphic framework and provenance of a Mesoproterozoic rift succession: An example from the Espinhaço Supergroup, SE Brazil. Precambrian Research, 413, 107576, 2024.
  2. Serrano, P.; Alkmim, F.F.; Souza, M.E.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Dantas, E.; Araujo, C.; … U-Pb zircon and Sm-Nd geochronology of the Dom Silvério group, SE Brazil: Implications for the evolution of the superposed Araçuaí and Minas-Bahia orogens. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 145, 105079, 2024.
  3. da Rosa Madruga, D.; Remus, M.V.D.; Hoerlle, G.S.; Mazoz, A.O.; … Unraveling the polymetamorphism of calc-silicate rocks from 638 to 565 Ma in the Western Gondwana (Passo Feio Complex, Dom Feliciano Belt, South Brazil) based on U-Pb dating. Lithos, 107822, 2024.
  4. Gordilho-Barbosa, R.; Ferreira, A.C.D.; Leitzke, F.P.; Cortez, Í de M.; … Paleo-to-Mesoarchean crustal evolution in the Uauá Block, Northeastern São Francisco Craton, Brazil: New insights from petrography, U–Pb geochronology, Lu–Hf isotopes and trace elements. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 144, 105022, 2024.
  5. De Leo, A.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.C.; Lana, C.; Farina, F.; On the origin of spodumene-rich pegmatites in the Araçuaí Pegmatite District, Minas Gerais, Brazil: Insights from mica and apatite mineral chemistry. Precambrian Research, 2024.
  6. Mazoz, A.; Gonçalves, G.O.; Lana, C.; Buick, I.S.; McSwiggen, P.L.; Corfu, F.; Vermilion monazite: A new Archean reference material for U-Pb and Sm-Nd microanalysis. Chemical Geology, 658, 122121, 2024.
  7. Warren, L.V.; Penzo, V.; Arrouy, M.J.; Gómez-Peral, L.; Cerri, R.I.; Caxito, F.; … The hidden passive margins from the birth of SW Gondwana. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 54 (1), e20230063, 2024.
  8. Carvalho, M.; Bruno, H.; Bersan, S.; Storey, C.; Mottram, C.; Chapman, G.; … Rhyacian-Orosirian transitional arc-collisional magmatism in the Archean Piedade Microcontinent, southern São Francisco Paleocontinent, Brazil. Precambrian Research, 404, 107343, 2024.
  9. Pereira, F.S.; Lafon, J.M.; Silva Rosa, M.L.; Conceição, H.; Bertotti, A.L.; … Constraints on the source and petrogenesis of early Ediacaran shoshonitic mafic magmatism and high-K calc-alkaline granitoids in the Sergipano Orogenic System, Borborema Province. Precambrian Research, 404, 107312, 2024.
  10. Pontes, G.B.; Tedeschi, M.; Reis, H.; Bruno, H.; Lana, C.; … Evidence of Siderian juvenile-like contribution to the continental arc magmatism in the Western Guanambi-Correntina block, São Francisco Craton (Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 137, 104841, 2024.
  11. Pimenta, J.S.; Cabral, A.R.; Queiroga, G.; Lana, C.; Tupinambá, M.; Zeh, A.; … The auriferous quartz lode of the Veloso deposit, Quadrilátero Ferrífero of Minas Gerais, Brazil: Geological characterization and constraints from tourmaline boron isotopes. Mineralogy and Petrology, 118 (1), 89-103, 2024.
  12. Toledo, P.I.F.; Moreto, C.P.N.; Monteiro, L.V.S.; Melo, G.H.C.; Matos, F.M.V.; … Breaking up the temporal link between granitic magmatism and iron oxide-copper–gold (IOCG) deposits in the Carajás Mineral Province, NW Brazil. Mineralium Deposita, 59 (3), 601-625, 2024.
  13. Farias, E.M.B.; Lana, C.C.; Zincone, S.A.; Queiroga, G.N.; Graça, L.M.; … Mineral-scale insights into the petrogenesis of the 3.30 Ga rhyolite in the Contendas-Mirante region, northern São Francisco Craton, Brazil: Implications from results of geochronology. Mineralogy and Petrology, 118 (1), 41-54, 2024.
  14. Christofoletti, B.; Warren, L.V.; Varejão, F.G.; Simões, M.G.; Gómez-Peral, L.E.; … Rising mollusk bivalves from the ashes: Geologic, biostratigraphic and evolutionary implications from tuff data in the Permian Corumbataí Formation, Paraná Basin, Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 134, 104750, 2024.
  15. Cutts, K.A.; Lana, C.; Stevens, G.; Buick, I.S.; In situ Pb–Pb garnet geochronology as a tool for investigating polymetamorphism: A case for Paleoarchean lateral tectonic thickening. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 537 (1), 209-229, 2024.
  16. Lana, C.; Alkmim, F.; Fillho, D.D.; Zambonato, E.; Mendonça, K.; Tracing carbonate diagenesis and subsurface fluid activity during the opening of the Central South Atlantic. Galoá, 2024.
  17. Hauser, N.; Abanto, W.L.; Zavaleta, A.G.; Reimold, W.U.; González, P.A.; Lana, C.; … The Devonian in the northern Paraná Basin: Provenance analysis, regional variation, causes, and correlations. Galoá, 2024.
  18. Neto, C.; Valeriano, C.; Enzweiler, J.; Paravidini, G.; Carvalho, M.; … ID-TIMS Sm-Nd and Sr isotopic composition of reference material Basalt Ribeirão Preto (BRP-1). Galoá, 2024.
  19. Bersan, S.; Bruno, H.; Heilbron, M.; Valeriano, C.; Mauri, S.; Lana, C.; … From arc to intraplate reworking of an Archaean substrate: Clues from Mesoarchean and Rhyacian-Orosirian gneisses from the Piedade Microcontinent, Eastern Brazil. Galoá, 2024.
  20. Brainer, C.C.G.; Guimarães, I.P.; Silva Filho, A.F.; Lima, J.V.; Lana, C.; Amorim, J.V.A.; … Peraluminous leucogranites generation during different stages of the Brasiliano Orogeny in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 133, 104663, 2024.


  1. Pacheco, F.; de Andrade Caxito, F.; Souza, M.; Bento, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Lana, C.; Detrital zircon U–Pb analysis constrain the depositional age and provenance of Cryogenian glacial successions of the Macaúbas group in the northeastern Araçuaí orogen, eastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 121, in press,  2023
  2. Tedeschi, M.; Vieira, P.; Kuchenbecker, M.; Ribeiro, B. V.; Barrote, V.; Reis, H.; Stutenbecker, L.; Lana, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Dussin, I.; Unravelling the protracted U-Pb zircon geochronological record of high to ultrahigh temperature metamorphic rocks: Implications for provenance investigations. Geoscience Frontiers,  14, in press, 2023
  3. Manoel, T.; Cutts, K.; Heilbron, M.; Luvizotto, G.; Bruno, H.; Lana, C.; Dussin, I.; de Morrison Valeriano, C..; The polyphase evolution of the mafic rocks of the Juiz de Fora Complex: The record of two supercontinent cycles. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 124, in press, 2023
  4. Silva, J. PA; Lana, C.; Mazoz, A.; Buick, I.; Scholz, R.; U‐Pb Saturn: New U‐Pb/Pb‐Pb Data Reduction Software for LA‐ICP‐MS. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research,  47, 1, 49-66, 2023
  5. Hoerlle, G.; Remus, M.; Dani, N.; da Silva, M.; Lana, C.; Post-collisional magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization in the São Gabriel Terrane (southern Brazil): Insights from mineral chemistry, stable isotopes, and sulfide trace-elements of the Caçapava do Sul skarns. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 123, in press, 2023
  6. Hoerlle, G.; Remus, M.; Müller, T.; Piazolo, S.; Lana, C.; Sorger, D.; Metasomatic reactions triggered by localized and dynamically evolving fluid flux record multistage intrusion history: An example from the syntectonic Caçapava do Sul Granitic Complex, Southern Brazil.  Lithos 442, in press,  107103, 2023
  7. Diniz, A.; de Melo, G.; Lana, C.; Queiroga, G.; de Castro, M.; Reis, H.; Unravelling magmatic-hydrothermal processes at Salobo and GT-46 IOCG deposits, Carajás mineral province, Brazil: Constraints from whole-rock geochemistry and trace elements in apatite. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  125, in press, 2023
  8. Cutts, K.A., Lana, C., Stevens, G., Buick, I.S.; In situ Pb-Pb garnet geochronology as a tool for investigating polymetamorphism: a case for Palaeoarchaean lateral tectonic thickening. Geological Society, London, Special Publications, in press, 2024.
  9. Deramchi, A.; Vauchez, A.; Bendaoud, A.; Lana, C.; Polyphase deformation and deformation-magmatism interaction in the Pan-African 4°50′ shear zone (Hoggar, Southern Algeria), Precambrian Research, Volume 393, 2023.


  1. Bersan, S.; Danderfer, A.; Storey, C.; Bruno, H.; Moreira, H.; Abreu, F.; Lana, C.; Gonçalves, L.; Nahas, I.; A perspective on potassic and ultrapotassic rocks: Constraints on the Paleoproterozoic late to a post-collisional event in the São Francisco paleocontinent. Geoscience Frontiers,  13,  5, 101179, 2022
  • Rossignol, C.; Antonio, P.; Narduzzi, F.; Rego, E.; Teixeira, L.; de Souza, R. A.; Ávila, J., Marco AL; Lana, C.; Trindade, Ricardo I.F.; Unraveling one billion years of the geological evolution of the southeastern Amazonia Craton from detrital zircon analyses. Geoscience Frontiers, 13, 5, 101202, 2022
  • Cerri, R. I; Warren, L. V.; Varejão, F. G.; Silva, A. J C. A; Lana, C.; Assine, M. L. So close and yet so far: U–Pb geochronological constraints of the Jaibaras Rift Basin and the intracratonic Parnaíba Basin in SW Gondwana. Geological Magazine,  159, 7, 1029-1049, 2022
  • Carvalho, L.; Jalowitzki, T.; Scholz, R.; Gonçalves, G. O.; Rocha, M.P.; Pereira, R.; Lana, C.; de Castro, M.; Queiroga, G.; Fuck, R. A.; An exotic Cretaceous kimberlite linked to metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath the southwestern margin of the São Francisco Craton, Brazil.       Geoscience Frontiers, 13, 1, 101281,  2022
  • Martins, L.; Lana, C.; Mazoz, A.; Novo, T.; Chemical-Abrasion U-Pb zircon geochronology reveals 150 Myr of partial melting events in the Archean crust of the São Francisco Craton. Geoscience Frontiers, 13, 5, 101289, 2022
  • Ricchetti, A.; Gómez, A.L.R.; Rubinstein, N. A.; Dopico, C. I. M.; Lana, C.; Upper Triassic U-Pb Age from The Agua de La Zorra Formation in Paramillos area, Mendoza Precordillera. Revista de la Asociación Geológica Argentina,  79, 2, 381-385,  2022
  • dos Santos, C.; Zincone, S. A.; Queiroga, G. N.; Bersan, S. M.; Lana, C.; Oliveira, E. P.; Evidence for change in crust formation process during the Paleoarchean in the São Francisco Craton (Gavião Block): Coupled zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotopic analyses and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 368, 106472, 2022
  • Lana, C.; Gonçalves, G. O; Mazoz, A.; Buick, Ian; Kamo, Sandra; Scholz, Ricardo; Wang, Hao; Moreira, Hugo; Babinski, Marly; Queiroga, Glaucia. Assessing the U‐Pb, Sm‐Nd and Sr‐Sr Isotopic Compositions of the Sumé Apatite as a Reference Material for LA‐ICP‐MS Analysis.          Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 1, 71-95, 2022
  • Rizzi, M. A.; Dillenburg, S.; Takehara, Lu.; Girelli, T.; Wust, C.; Lana, C.; Junior, F.; Andean fingerprint on placer sands from the southern Brazilian coast. Sedimentary Geology, 428, 2022
  • Gärtner, A.; Hofmann, M.; Zieger, J.; Sagawe, A.; Krause, R.; Stutzriemer, M.; Gesang, S.; Gerdes, A.; Marko, L.; Lana, C.;     Implications for sedimentary transport processes in southwestern Africa: a combined zircon morphology and age study including extensive geochronology databases. International Journal of Earth Sciences,  111, 3,      767-788, 2022.
  • Costa, F.; Penna, J. A.; Martins, L.; Tedeschi, M.; Novo, T.; Araujo, C. S.; Rossi, P.; Lana, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Zircon petrochronology reveals the moderately juvenile signature of a diatexite from the boundary zone between the Brasília and Ribeira orogens (SE Brazil): Relict of a Tonian arc? Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 116, 103767,  2022
  • Santiago, R.; de Andrade Caxito, F.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Neves, Mirna Aparecida; Calegari, S.; Lana, C.; Detrital zircon U–Pb and Lu–Hf constraints on the age, provenance and tectonic setting of arc-related high-grade units of the transition zone of the Araçuaí and Ribeira orogens (SE Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 116, 2022
  • Mazoz, A.; Gonçalves, G. O.; Lana, Cr.; Buick, I. S.; Corfu, F.; Kamo, Sandra L.; Wang, H.; Yang, Y.‐H.; Scholz, R.; Queiroga, G.; Khan River and Bear Lake: Two Natural Titanite Reference Materials for High‐Spatial Resolution U‐Pb Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 46, 4, 701-733, 2022
  • Petry, TS; Philipp, RP; Jamal, DL; Lana, C; Alkmim, AR. U-Pb and Lu-Hf zircon data of the grenvilian arc-related Zâmbué, Fíngoè and Cazula supracrustal complexes, Southern Irumide Belt, NW Mozambique. Precambrian Research, 381, 106860, 2022
  • Mendes, M.; Lobato, L.; Caxito, F.; Rosière, C.; Lana, C.; Silva, R.; Episodic mafic dike swarms (2.0 and 1.7 Ga) in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero Province, Brazil: Implications for the refinement of the São Francisco Craton magmatic barcode and the North China link. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 120, 104049, 2022
  • Victoria, A.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Cruz, S. Cerqueira Pereira; Lana, Cristiano; Dantas, Elton; Dussin, Ivo; Borges, Ramon;           Magmatic diversity in continental rifts: A case study on the Early Tonian, plutonic-volcanic Salto da Divisa Complex, Araçuaí Orogen, Eastern Brazil. Lithos, 434, 106920, 2022
  • Santos, C.; Zincone, S. A.; Queiroga, G.; Bersan, S.; Lana, C.; Oliveira, E. P.; Evidence for change in crust formation process during the Paleoarchean in the São Francisco Craton (Gavião Block): coupled zircon Lu-Hf and U-Pb isotopic analyses and tectonic implications. Precambrian Research, 368, 106472, 2022


  1. Cabral, A. R.; Ferreira, Ti. H.; Lana, C.; de Castro, M.P.; Queiroga, G.; Tourmaline composition and boron isotopes record lateritic weathering during the Great Oxidation Event. Terra Nova,  33,  1, 46-55, 2021
  2. Barbosa, R.; Lana, C.; Zincone, S.; Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the northern Sao Francisco Craton, NE Brazil: New perspectives from geochemistry, zircon U–Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 105, 103004, 2021
  3. dos Reis, J.; Kern, H.; Cagliari, J.; Lavina, E.; Girelli, T.; Tedesco, J.; Lana, Cr.; da Silveira, A.;  Post-glacial Permian debris flow deposits and their paleoclimatic implications (Mariana Pimentel paleo valley, southern Paraná Basin).         Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 107,  103029,  2021
  4. Dias, A.C.; Chemale Jr, F.; Candeiro, C.; Lana, C.; Guadagnin, F.; Sales, A.S.W.;  Unraveling multiple tectonic events and source areas in the intracratonic Bauru Basin through combined zircon geo and thermochronological studies. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 106,  103061, 2021
  5. Caxito, F.; Basto, C.; de Lira Santos, L.; Dantas, E.; Medeiros, V.; Dias, T.; Barrote, V.; Hagemann, S.; Alkmim, A.; Lana, C.; Neoproterozoic magmatic arc volcanism in the Borborema Province, NE Brazil: possible flare-ups and lulls and implications for western  Gondwana assembly.  Gondwana research, 92, 2021
  6. Junior, F.; Lavina, E. L. C.; Carassai, J.; Girelli, T.; Lana, C.;  Andean orogenic signature in the Quaternary sandy barriers of Southernmost Brazilian Passive Margin–paradigm as a source area. Geoscience Frontiers, 12,  4, 101119, 2021
  7. Kern, H. P.; Lavina, E.L. C.; Paim, P. S. G.; Girelli, T. J.; Lana, C.;  Paleogeographic evolution of the southern Paraná Basin during the Late Permian and its relation to the Gondwanides. Sedimentary Geology, 415, 105808, 2021
  8. Gordilho B.; Lana, C.; Zincone, S.. Paleoproterozoic granitic magmatism in the northern São Francisco Craton, NE Brazil: New perspectives from geochemistry, zircon U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 105, 103004, 2021
  9. van Schijndel, V; Stevens, G; Lana, C; Zack, T; Frei, D;  De Kraalen and Witrivier Greenstone Belts, Kaapvaal Craton, South Africa: Characterisation of the Palaeo-Mesoarchaean evolution by rutile and zircon U-Pb geochronology combined with Hf isotopes. South African Journal of Geology, 124, 1, 17-36  2021
  10. Hartmann, L. A.; Massuda, A. J.; Cerva-Alves, Ti.; Lana, C.; Leandro, C. G.; Savian, J. F. Aeromagnetometry and Aero gamma spectrometry integrated with U-Pb zircon geochronology of northern Bossoroca ophiolite, Brasiliano Orogen. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 93, 2021
  11. Oliveira, R. G.; Martins, M.; Queiroga, G.; de Souza, M.; Lana, C.; Alkmim, A.; da Silva, M.; Bueno, C.; Sedimentary provenance and role of tectonic inheritance on the control of the Macaúbas group, eastern margin of São Francisco Craton (SE Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 109, 103210, 2021
  12. Antonio, P.; Baratoux, L.; Trindade, R.; Rousse, S.; Ayite, A.i; Lana, C.; Macouin, M.; Adu, E.; Sanchez, C.; Silva, M.; West Africa in Rodinia: High-quality paleomagnetic pole from the~ 860 Ma Manso dyke swarm (Ghana). Gondwana  Research,  94, 28-43, 2021
  13. Schannor, M.; Lana, Cristiano; N., Gautier; Cutts, K.; Buick, I.; Gerdes, A.; Hecht, L..             Reconstructing the metamorphic evolution of the Araçuaí orogen (SE Brazil) using in situ U–Pb garnet dating and P–T modelling. Journal of Metamorphic Geology,  39, 9, 1145-1171, 2021
  14. Mühlberg, M.; Stevens, G.; Moyen, J.; Kisters, A.F.M.; Lana, C.. Thermal evolution of the Stolzburg Block, Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain, South Africa: Implications for Paleoarchean tectonic processes.  Precambrian Research,   359, 106082, 2021
  15. Baesso, A; Remus, MVD; Pereira, BRB; Alkmim, AR; Lana, CC; Vignol-Lelarge, ML; Porcher, CC. Insights into sedimentary provenance and the evolution of the Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, using U–Pb ages and Lu–Hf isotopes in detrital zircons. Marine and Petroleum Geology,           131, 105170, 2021
  16. Pinto, V.; Hartmann, L.; Debruyne, D.; Queiroga, G.; Lana, C.; Fragoso, B.; Porcher, C.; Koester, E.. Evolução toniana do eclogito Três Vendas no contexto do Arco Passinho: Terreno São Gabriel.            Contribuições à Geologia do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina. Porto Alegre: Compasso Lugar-Cultura, 77-92, 2021
  17. Maurer, V.; de Melo, G.; de Carvalho Lana, C.; de Souza Marinho, M.; Batista, S.; da Silveira, L.; Queiroga, G.; Castro, M.; Silva, M.. Trace elements in pyrite and pyrrhotite in the Pitangui Orogenic Au deposit, Pitangui greenstone belt, São Francisco Craton: Implications for the ore-forming fluids and metal sources. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 111, 103459, 2021
  18. Baesso, A; Remus, MVD; Pereira, BRB; Alkmim, AR; Lana, CC; Vignol-Lelarge, ML; Porcher, CC. Insights into sedimentary provenance and the evolution of the Potiguar Basin, NE Brazil, using U-Pb ages and Lu-Hf isotopes in detrital zircons.       Marine and Petroleum Geosciences,  131,   2021
  19. Cerva-Alves, T; Hartmann, LA; Lana, C; Queiroga, GN; Maciel, LAC; Leandro, CG; Savian, JF. Rutile and zircon age and geochemistry in the evolution of the juvenile São Gabriel Terrane early in the Brasiliano Orogeny.  Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112, 103505, 2021
  20. Madureira, R.; Queiroga, G.; Lana, C.; Dutra, L.; Alkmim, A.; Depositional setting and U-Pb detrital record of rift-related deposits in the Moeda Formation (Minas Supergroup) at the Gandarela and Ouro Fino synclines, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology,  51, 2021
  21. Cerva-Alves, T; Hartmann, LA; Queiroga, GN; Lana, C; Castro, MP; Maciel, LAC; Remus, MVD.             Metamorphic evolution of the juvenile Serrinha forearc basin in the southern Brasiliano Orogen. Precambrian Research, 365, 106394, 2021
  22. Caxito, F.; Lana, C.; Frei, R.; Uhlein, G.; Sial, A. N; Dantas, E. L; Pinto, A. G; Campos, F. C; Galvão, P.o; Warren, L. V.  Goldilocks at the dawn of complex life: mountains might have damaged Ediacaran–Cambrian ecosystems and prompted an early Cambrian greenhouse world. Scientific Reports, 11, 1, 20010, 2021
  23. Pinto, V. M.; Debruyne, D.; Hartmann, L.; Queiroga, G.; Lana, C; Fragoso, B.; Porcher, C.; Castro, M.; Laux, J.; Metamorphic evolution of a Tonian eclogite associated with an island arc of the southern Brasiliano Orogen. Precambrian Research, 366, 106414, 2021
  24. Vilela, F.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Babinski, M.; Lana, C.; Trindade, R. IF; Santos, E.; Diamictitic iron formation (DIF) deposits of the Neoproterozoic Nova Aurora Iron District (Macaúbas Group, Southeast Brazil).  Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 112, 103614, 2021
  25. Mauri, S.; Melo, M. G; Lana, C.; Marques, R. A. Petrologic and geochronological constraints on the polymetamorphic evolution of the collisional granites, Araçuaí Orogen (SE Brazil). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 93, 2021.
  26. Marques, C.; Cutts, K. A; Cabral, A.; Lana, C.; Rios, F.; Buick, I.; Dating hydrothermal processes related to the formation of the Lagoa Real uranium deposits using in situ U–Pb dating of andradite and titanite. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 123, 104239, 2023
  27. Ferreira, S.; Melo, M.; Lana, C.; Marques, R.; Petrologic and geochronological constraints on the polymetamorphic evolution of the collisional granites, Araçuaí Orogen (SE Brazil). Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, v. 93, 2021.
  28. Cabral, A.; De Ferreira, T.; Lana, C.; de Castro, M.P; Queiroga, G.. Tourmaline composition and boron isotopes record lateritic weathering during the Great Oxidation Event. Terra Nova           33, 1 46-55, 2021


  1. Amaral, L.; Caxito, F.; Pedrosa-Soares, A. C.; Queiroga, G.; Babinski, M.; Trindade, Ricardo; Lana, Cristiano; Chemale, Farid; The Ribeirao da Folha ophiolite-bearing accretionary wedge (Aracua­ orogen, SE Brazil): new data for Cryogenian plagiogranite and metasedimentary rocks.  Precambrian Research, 336, 2020, 105522
  2. Araujo, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Lana, C.; Dussin, I.; Queiroga, G.; Serrano, P.; Medeiros-Janior, E.; Zircon in emplacement borders of post-collisional plutons compared to country rocks: A study on morphology, internal texture, U-Pb geochronology and Hf isotopes (Aracuai­ orogen, SE Brazil).  Lithos, 352–353, 2020, 105252         
  3. Rossi, A. V.A.; Danderfer, F.; Bersan, S, M; Kelmer, L.R; Tavares, T. D.; Lana, C.. Stratigraphic, isotopic, and geochronological record of a superposed pro-foreland basin in the eastern Sao Francisco craton during west Gondwana amalgamation. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,   351, December 2020, 105981 
  4. Tavares, T.; de Souza Martins, M.; Alkmim, F.; Lana, C.; Detrital zircons from the Upper Tres Marias Formation, Sao Francisco basin, SE Brazil: a record of foreland deposition during the Cambrian? Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  97,  2020, 102395
  5. Cutts, K.; Lana, Cr.; Moreira, H.; Alkmim, F.; Peres, G. G.;  Zircon U-Pb and Lu-Hf record from high-grade complexes within the Mantiqueira Complex: First evidence of juvenile crustal input at 2.4-2.2 Ga and implications for the Palaeoproterozoic evolution of the Sao Francisco Craton. Precambrian Research,  338,  2020, 105567
  6. Santos, M.; Lana, C.; Scholz, R.; Buick, I.S.; Kamo, S. L.; Corfu, F.; Queiroga, G.; LA-ICP-MS U-Pb dating of rutiles associated with hydrothermal mineralization along the southern Aracuai ­ Belt, SE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  99,  2020, 102502
  7. dos Santos, C.; Danderfer Filho, A.; Queiroga, G. N; Zincone, S. A; De Castro, M. P; Lana, C. C.; Ferroan alkalic volcanism associated with Calymmian rifting in the Paramirim aulacogen, Sao Francisco craton, Brazil: New insights from lithofacies analysis and evidence of mantle-derived alkaline H2O-rich metasomatic fluids affecting ancient crustal materials. Precambrian Research,  99,  2020, 102502
  8. Cerva-Alves, T; Hartmann, LA; Remus, M.V.D; Lana, C; Integrated ophiolite and arc evolution, southern Brasiliano Orogen.  Precambrian Research, 341
  9. Bersan, S.; de Oliveira Costa, A.; Danderfer, A.; de Abreu, F.; Lana, Cristiano; Queiroga, G.; Storey, C.; Moreira, H.. Paleoproterozoic juvenile magmatism within the northeastern sector of the Sao Francisco paleocontinent: Insights from the shoshonitic high Ba-Sr Montezuma granitoids. Geoscience Frontiers, 11 (5), 1821-1840
  10. Lopes, F.; Lana, Claudio E.; Castro, P.; Lana, C.. Paleomorphology of the northwestern of the Quadrilátero Ferrifero (central Brazil): Stratigraphic and geochronological evidence of a Pleistocene alluvial fan system. Quaternary International,  542, 20,  2020,  30-40
  11. Moreira, H. F; Danderfer, A.; Costa, A. F.O.; Bersan, S.M.; Lana, C. C.; Queiroga, G. N.; Record of Early Tonian mafic magmatism in the central Espinhaco (Brazil): New insights for the break-up of the Neoproterozoic landmass ancestor of Sao Francisco-Congo paleocontinent. Geoscience Frontiers, 11,  6, 2323-2337
  12. Caxito, F.; Santos, L.C. M.; Uhlein, A.; Dantas, E.; Alkmim, A.; Lana, C.; New U-Pb (SHRIMP) and first Hf isotope constraints on the Tonian (1000-920 Ma) Cariris Velhos event, Borborema Province, NE Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology, Braz. J. Geol. vol.50 no.2 São Paulo  2020 
  13. Rossignol, C.; Lana, C.; Alkmim, F.; Geodynamic evolution of the Minas Basin, southern Sao Francisco Craton (Brazil), during the early Paleoproterozoic: Climate or tectonic? Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  101, 2020, 102628
  14. Duque, T.; Alkmim, F.; Lana, C.;  Graos detriticos de zircao do Grupo Itacolomi em sua area tipo, Quadrilatero Ferrefero, Minas Gerais. Geologia USP,  20 1  101-123, 2020
  15. de Sousa, D. V.M.; de Abreu, A. T.; Sampaio, G.M.S.; Lana, C.C.; Rodrigues, D.A.S.; Junior, H.N.; Determination of rare earth elements in Fe-minerals using external calibration by LA-ICP-MS and application on Caue Iron Formation (Brazil) Talanta, 219, 1, 2020, 121239
  16. Dutra, L.; Dias, S.; Martins, M.; Lana, C.; Batista, A.; Detrital zircon records of the Paleo-Mesoproterozoic rift-sag Tamanduá Group in its type-section, Northern Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil.  Brazilian Journal of Geology,  50, 1 2020,
  17. De Castro, M.; Queiroga, G.; Martins, M.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Dias, L.; Lana, C.; Babinski, M.; Alkmim, A.; da Silva, M.; Provenance shift through time in superposed basins: From Early Cryogenian glaciomarine to Late Ediacaran orogenic sedimentations (Aracuai­ Orogen, SE Brazil) Gondwana Research, 87, 41-66 2020.
  18. de Melo, M.; Lana, C.; Stevens, G.; Hartwig, M.; Pimenta, M.; Nalini Jr, H.; Deciphering the source of multiple U-Pb ages and complex Hf isotope composition in zircon from post-collisional charnockite-granite associations from the Aracuai orogen (southeastern Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences  103, 2020, 102792             
  19. Schannor, M; Lana, C.; Mazoz, A.; N., Francesco; Cutts, K.; Paleoproterozoic sources for Cordilleran-type Neoproterozoic granitoids from the Aracuai ­ orogen (SE Brazil): Constraints from Hf isotope zircon composition. Lithos s 378–379, 15 December 2020, 105815.
  20. Rossignol, C.; Rego, E.; Narduzzi, F.; Teixeira, J. N; Silva, M.; Lana, C.; Philippot, Pascal. Stratigraphy and geochronological constraints of the Serra Sul Formation (Carajas Basin, Amazonian Craton, Brazil). Precambrian Research  351, 2020, 105981
  21. Werle, M; Hartmann, LA; Queiroga, GN; Lana, C; Pertille, J; Michelin, CRL; Remus, MVD; Roberts, M; Castro, MP; Leandro, CG. Oceanic crust and mantellic evidence on the evolution of tonian-cryogenian ophiolites, southern Brasiliano Orogen. Precambrian Research  351, 2020, 105979


  1. Moreira, H.; Cassino, Lu.; Lana, C.; Storey, C.; Albert, C.; Insights into orogenic processes from drab schists and minor intrusions: Southern Sao Francisco Craton, Brazil.  Lithos 346–347, 15 2019, 105146
  2. Salgado, S.; Caxito, F.; e Silva, R.; Lana, C.; Provenance of the Buritirama Formation reveals the Paleoproterozoic assembly of the Bacaja and Carajas blocks (Amazon Craton) and the chronocorrelation of Mn-deposits in the Transamazonian/Birimian system of northern Brazil/West Africa. Journal of South American Earth Sciences  96, 2019, 102364
  3. Queiroz, Y.; Queiroga, G.; de Moraes, R.; Tavares F., Victor M.; Medeiros-Junior, E.; Jordt-Evangelista, H.; Schulz, B.; Schmiedel, J.; Martins, M.; de Castro, M.; Pseudosection modeling and U-Pb geochronology on Piranga schists: role of Brasiliano Orogeny in the Southeastern Quadrilatero Ferrifero, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Brazilian Journal of Geology  49 3  2019.   
  4. Tedesco, J.; Cagliari, J.; Jonior, F.; Girelli, T.; Lana, C.; Provenance and paleogeography of the Southern Parana Basin: Geochemistry and UPb zircon geochronology of the Carboniferous-Permian transition. Sedimentary Geology 393–394, 1 2019, 105539
  5. Vasconcelos, AD; Gonçalves, GO; Lana, C; Buick, IS; Kamo, SL; Corfu, F; Scholz, R; Alkmim, A; Queiroga, G; Nalini Jr, HA;  Characterization of Xenotime From Datas (Brazil) as a Potential Reference Material for In Situ U‐Pb Geochronology. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 19 7 2262-2282 2018


  1. Tedeschi, M; Pedrosa-Soares, A; Dussin, I; Lanari, P; Novo, T; Pinheiro, M; Lana, C; Peters, D: Protracted zircon geochronological record of UHT garnet-free granulites in the Southern Brasília orogen (SE Brazil): Petrochronological constraints on magmatism and metamorphism Precambrian Research 316 103-126 2018
  2. Degler, R; Pedrosa-Soares, A; Novo, T; Tedeschi, M; Silva, L; Dussin, I; Lana, C: Rhyacian-Orosirian isotopic records from the basement of the Araçuaí-Ribeira orogenic system (SE Brazil): Links in the Congo-São Francisco palaeocontinent Precambrian Research 317 179-195 2018
  3. Serrano, P; Pedrosa-Soares, A; Medeiros-Júnior, E; Fonte-Boa, T; Araujo, C; Dussin, I; Queiroga, G; Lana, C:  A-type Medina batholith and post-collisional anatexis in the Araçuaí orogen (SE Brazil) Lithos 320 515-536    2018
  4. Hodel, F; Trindade, RIF; Macouin, M; Meira, VT; Dantas, EL; Paixão, MAP; Rospabé, M; Castro, MP; Queiroga, GN; Alkmim, AR;    A Neoproterozoic hyper-extended margin associated with Rodinia’s demise and Gondwana’s build-up: The Araguaia Belt, central Brazil Gondwana Research 66 43-62 2019
  5. Hartmann, L A; Baggio, S B; Brückmann, M P; Knijnik, D B; Lana, C; Massonne, H; Opitz, J; Pinto, V M; Sato, K; Tassinari, CCG;           U-Pb geochronology of Paraná volcanics combined with trace element geochemistry of the zircon crystals and zircon Hf isotope data. Journal of South American Earth Sciences          2018
  6. Peixoto, E.; Alkmim, F. F; Pedrosa‐Soares, A.; Lana, C.; Chaves, A.O.; Metamorphic record of collision and collapse in the Ediacaran‐Cambrian Araçuaí orogen, SE‐Brazil: Insights from P–T pseudosections and monazite dating. Journal of Metamorphic Geology, 36, 147-172, 2018          
  7. Albert, C.; Lana, C.; Gerdes, Axel; S., Mathias; N., F.; Queiroga, G.;  Archean magmatic-hydrothermal fluid evolution in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (SE Brazil) documented by B isotopes (LA MC-ICPMS) in tourmaline. Chemical Geology, 481, 95-109  2018 Elsevier
  8. Girelli, T.; Chemale, Farid; L., Ernesto L.; Laux, J.; Bongiolo, E.; Lana, Cristiano;  Granulite accretion to Rio de la Plata Craton, based on zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes: Tectonic implications for Columbia Supercontinent reconstruction. Gondwana Research, 56, 105-118 2018 Elsevier
  9. Moreira, H.; Seixas, L.; Storey, C.; Fowler, M.; Lasalle, S.; Stevenson, R.; Lana, Cristiano;  Evolution of Siderian juvenile crust to Rhyacian high Ba-Sr magmatism in the Mineiro Belt, southern São Francisco Craton. Geoscience Frontiers, in press 2018 Elsevier
  10. Oliveira C,, Alice F,; Danderfer, A,; Lana, C,; Stratigraphic and geochronological characterization of the Mato Verde group, Central Espinhaço (Brazil): An Eocalymmian rifting record in the western domain of the Congo-São Francisco paleocontinent Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 84,  16-33 2018 Pergamon
  11. Cutts. K,; Lana, C.; Alkmim, F.; Peres, G. G.;  Metamorphic imprints on units of the southern Araçuaí belt, SE Brazil: The history of superimposed Transamazonian and Brasiliano orogenesis.  Gondwana Research,  58, 211-234 2018  Elsevier
  12. Schannor, M.; Lana, C.; Fonseca, M. A;  São Francisco–Congo Craton break-up delimited by U–Pb–Hf isotopes and trace-elements of zircon from metasediments of the Araçuaí Belt. Geoscience Frontiers,  in press 2018   Elsevier
  13. Bersan, S.; Danderfer Filho, A.; Abreu, F.; Lana, C.; Petrography, geochemistry and geochronology of the potassic granitoids of the Rio Itacambiruçu Supersuite: implications for the Meso-to Neoarchean evolution of the Itacambira-Monte Azul block. Brazilian Journal of Geology,  in press 2018 Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
  14. Arena, K. R.; Hartmann, L. A.; Lana, C.;  U–Pb–Hf isotopes and trace elements of metasomatic zircon delimit the evolution of neoproterozoic Capané ophiolite in the southern Brasiliano Orogen. International Geology Review, 60, 911-928,  2018   Taylor & Francis
  15. Bicca, M.; Jelinek, A.; Philipp, R.; Lana, C.; Alkmim, A.;  Precambrian-Cambrian provenance of Matinde Formation, Karoo Supergroup, northwestern Mozambique, constrained from detrital zircon U-Pb age and Lu-Hf isotope data. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 138, 42-57 2018           Pergamon
  16. Oliveira Costa, A; Danderfer, A; Lana, C: Stratigraphic and geochronological characterization of the Mato Verde group, Central Espinhaço (Brazil): An Eocalymmian rifting record in the western domain of the Congo-São Francisco paleocontinent. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 84 16-33 2018
  17. Barbosa, J.; Marinho, M.; de Menezes Leal, A.; de Oliveira, E; de Souza-Oliveira, J; de Argollo, R; Lana, C; Barbosa, R; Santos, L;  As raízes granulíticas do cinturão Salvador-Esplanada-Boquim, Cráton do São Francisco, Bahia-Sergipe, Brasil. Geologia USP. Série Científica 18 2 103-128 2018


  1. Melo, M.; Stevens, G.; Lana, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.C.; Frei, D.; Alkmim, F.;  Two cryptic anatectic events within a syn-collisional granitoid from the Araçuaí orogen (southeastern Brazil): evidence from the polymetamorphic Carlos Chagas batholith. Lithos 277, 51-71 2017      
  2. Aguilar, C.; Alkmim, F. F.; Lana, C.; Farina, F.; Palaeoproterozoic assembly of the São Francisco craton, SE Brazil: New insights from U–Pb titanite and monazite dating. Precambrian Research, 289, 95-115            2017
  3. Dopico, C.; Lana, C.; Moreira, H. S.; Cassino, L. F.; Alkmim, F.F.;  U–Pb ages and Hf-isotope data of detrital zircons from the late Neoarchean-Paleoproterozoic Minas Basin, SE Brazil. Precambrian Research, 291, 143-161          2017   
  4. Borges, C.; Toledo, C.; Silva, A.; Chemale,F; Jost, H.; Lana, C.;  Geochemistry and isotopic signatures of metavolcanic and metaplutonic rocks of the Faina and Serra de Santa Rita greenstone belts, Central Brazil: Evidences for a Mesoarchean intraoceanic arc. Precambrian Research, 292, 350-377 2017 Elsevier
  5. Narduzzi, F.; Farina, F.; Stevens, G.; Lana, C; Nalini Jr, HA; Magmatic garnet in the Cordilleran-type Galiléia granitoids of the Araçuaí belt (Brazil): Evidence for crystallization in the lower crust. Lithos, 282, 82-97 2017          Elsevier
  6. Alessandretti, L.; Warren, L.; Assine, M.; Machado, R.; Lana, C.; Reply to the comments on: “From source-to-sink: The Late Permian SW Gondwana paleogeography and sedimentary dispersion unraveled by a multi-proxy analysis” [journal of South American earth sciences 70 (2016) 368–382] by Vesely & Schemiko. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 76, 218-224 2017        Pergamon
  7. Santos, M. M; Lana, C.; Scholz, R.; Buick, Ian; Schmitz, M.D; Kamo, Sandra L; Gerdes, Axel; Corfu, Fernando; Tapster, Simon; Lancaster, Penelope;  A New Appraisal of Sri Lankan BB Zircon as a Reference Material for LA‐ICP‐MS U‐Pb Geochronology and Lu‐Hf Isotope Tracing. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 41, 335-358 2017  
  8. van Schijndel, V.; Stevens, G.; Zeh, A.; Frei, D.; Lana, C.; Zircon  Geochronology and Hf isotopes of the Dwalile Supracrustal Suite, Ancient Gneiss Complex, Swaziland: Insights into the diversity of Palaeoarchaean source rocks, depositional and metamorphic ages. Precambrian Research, 295, 48-66 2017
  9. Antonio, P.Y.J.; D’Agrella-Filho, M.S.; Trindade, R.I.F.; Nédélec, A.; de Oliveira, D.C.; da Silva, F.F.; Roverato, M.; Lana, C.; Turmoil before the boring billion: Paleomagnetism of the 1880–1860 Ma Uatumã event in the Amazonian craton. Gondwana Research, 49, 106-129 2017 Elsevier
  10. Retamal, I.; Machado, R.; Philipp, R.; Lana, C.; Gonçalves, G.O.; The Serra das Araras Batholith: An example of Ediacaran syntectonic peraluminous granitic magmatism in the southwestern Paraíba do Sul Domain. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 78, 81-100 2017
  11. Melo, M. G.; Lana, C.; Stevens, G.; Pedrosa-Soares, A. C; Gerdes, A.; Alkmin, L.A; Nalini Jr, H.A.; Alkmim, F.F.;  Assessing the isotopic evolution of S-type granites of the Carlos Chagas Batholith, SE Brazil: Clues from U–Pb, Hf isotopes, Ti geothermometry and trace element composition of zircon. Lithos, 284, 730-750 2017
  12. Arena, K.R.; Hartmann, L.A.; Lana, C.; Tonian emplacement of ophiolites in the southern Brasiliano Orogen delimited by U-Pb-Hf isotopes of zircon from metasomatites. Gondwana Research, 49, 296-332 2017
  13. Clemens, JD; Buick, IS; Frei, D; Lana, C; Villaros, Arnaud; Pos-orogenic shoshonitic magmas of the Yzerfontein pluton, South Africa: the ‘smoking gun’of mantle melting and crustal growth during Cape granite genesis? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172, 72  2017
  14. Lana C, Farina F, Gerdes A, Alkmim A, Gonçalves G, Jardim AC; Characterization of zircon reference materials via high precision U-Pb LA-MC-ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 32, 2011-2023  2017        
  15. Clemens, JD; Buick, IS; Frei, D; Lana, C; Villaros, Arnaud;  Erratum to: Post-orogenic shoshonitic magmas of the Yzerfontein pluton, South Africa: the ‘smoking gun’of mantle melting and crustal growth during Cape granite genesis? Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 172, 70-82 2017, Springer Berlin Heidelberg
  16. Gonçalves, G., Lana, C., Scholz, R.,  Buick, I., Gerdes, A., Kamo, S., Corfu, F.,  Rubatto, D., Wiedenbeck M., Nalini Jr. H; The Diamantina Monazite: A New Low-Th Reference Material for Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 42, 25-47         2017


  1. Oliveira, C.; Scholz, R.; Lana, C.; Ewald; Datação da Suite Alcalina de Gouveia. Geociências (São Paulo), 34, 381-389 2016 
  2. Gonçalves, L.; Alkmim, F.F; Pedrosa-Soares, A.C.; Dussin, I.A.; Valeriano, C.M.; Lana, C.; Tedeschi, M.; Granites of the intracontinental termination of a magmatic arc: an example from the Ediacaran Araçuaí orogen, southeastern Brazil. Gondwana Research, 36, 439-458      2016
  3. Richter, F.; Lana, C.; Stevens, G.; Buick, I.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Alkmim, F.; Cutts, K.; Sedimentation, metamorphism and granite generation in a back-arc region: Records from the Ediacaran Nova Venécia Complex (Araçuaí Orogen, Southeastern Brazil). Precambrian Research, 272, 78-100 2016
  4. Farina, F; Albert, C; Dopico, C Martínez; Gil, C Aguilar; Moreira, H; Hippertt, JP; Cutts, K; Alkmim, FF; Lana, C; The Archean–Paleoproterozoic evolution of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero (Brasil): Current models and open questions. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 68, 4-21 2016      Pergamon
  5. Tedeschi, M.; Novo, T.; Pedrosa-Soares, A.; Dussin, I.; Tassinari, C.; Silva, L.; Gonçalves, L.; Alkmim, F.; Lana, C.; The Ediacaran Rio Doce magmatic arc revisited (Araçuaí-Ribeira orogenic system, SE Brazil). Journal of South American Earth Sciences,  68,  167-186 2016 Pergamon
  6. Moreira, H.; Lana, C.; Nalini Jr, H.;  The detrital zircon record of an Archaean convergent basin in the Southern São Francisco Craton, Brazil. Precambrian Research, 275, 84-99 2016    Elsevier
  7. Gonçalves, G. O.; Lana, C.; Scholz, R.; Buick, I.S; Gerdes, A.; Kamo, S.L; Corfu, F.; Marinho, M.M; Chaves, A.O; Valeriano, C.; An assessment of monazite from the Itambé pegmatite district for use as U–Pb isotope reference material for microanalysis and implications for the origin of the “Moacyr” monazite. Chemical Geology, 424, 30-50 2016 Elsevier
  8. Silva, D.; Lana, C.; Souza Filho, C.; Petrographic and geochemical characterization of the granitic rocks of the Araguainha impact crater, Brazil. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 51, 443-467 2016     
  9. Alessandretti, L.; Machado, R.; Warren, L.; Assine, M.; Lana, C.;  From source-to-sink: The Late Permian SW Gondwana paleogeography and sedimentary dispersion unraveled by a multi-proxy analysis. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 70, 368-382 2016 Pergamon
  10. Arena, K. R; Hartmann, L. A; Lana, C.; Evolution of Neoproterozoic ophiolites from the southern Brasiliano Orogen revealed by zircon U-Pb-Hf isotopes and geochemistry. Precambrian Research, 285, 299-314 2016            Elsevier
  11. Jordt-Evangelista, H.; Lana, C.; Delgado, C.; Viana, D.;  Age of the emerald mineralization from the Itabira-Nova Era District, Minas Gerais, Brazil, based on LA-ICP-MS geochronology of cogenetic titanite. Brazilian Journal of Geology, 46, 427-437 2016 Sociedade Brasileira de Geologia
  12. Albert, C.; Farina, F.; Lana, C.; Stevens, G.; Storey, C.; Gerdes, A.; Dopico, C.; Archean crustal evolution in the Southern São Francisco craton, Brazil: Constraints from U-Pb, Lu-Hf and O isotope analyses. Lithos, 266, 64-86        2016    Elsevier


  1. Frost, R. L; López, A.; Scholz, R.; Lana, C.; Xi, Y.;  A Raman spectroscopic study of the arsenate mineral chenevixite Cu2Fe23+ (AsO4) 2 (OH) 4⋅ H2O. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 135, 192-197 2015      Elsevier
  2. Danderfer Filho, A.; Lana, C.; Júnior, HA N.; Costa, A.;  Constraints on the Statherian evolution of the intraplate rifting in a Paleo-proterozoic paleocontinent: New stratigraphic and geochronology record from the eastern São Francisco craton. Gondwana Research, 28, 668-688 2015 Elsevier
  3. Takenaka, L B.; Lana, C.; Scholz, R.; Nalini Jr, H.; de Abreu, A.; Optimization of the in-situ U–Pb age dating method via LA-Quadrupole-ICP-MS with applications to the timing of U–Zr–Mo mineralization in the Poços de Caldas Alkaline Complex, SE Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 62, 70-79 2015           Pergamon
  4. Farina, F.; Albert, C.; Lana, C.; The Neoarchean transition between medium-and high-K granitoids: Clues from the Southern São Francisco Craton (Brazil) Precambrian Research, 266, 375-394 2015            Elsevier
  5. Pertille, J.; Hartmann, L.; Philipp, R.P.; Petry, T.; Lana, C.; Origin of the Ediacaran Porongos Group, Dom Feliciano Belt, southern Brazilian Shield, with emphasis on whole rock and detrital zircon geochemistry and U–Pb, Lu–Hf isotopes. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 64, 69-93 2015 Pergamon
  6. Jordt-Evangelista, H.; Alvarenga, J.; Lana, C.; Petrography and geochronology of the Furquim Quartzite, an eastern extension of the Itacolomi Group (Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais). Revista Escola de Minas, 68, 393-399  2015


  1. Frost, R.L; Gobac, Ž.; López, A.; Xi, Y.; Scholz, R.; Lana, C.; Lima, R.; Characterization of the sulphate mineral coquimbite, a secondary iron sulphate from Javier Ortega mine, Lucanas Province, Peru–Using infrared, Raman spectroscopy and thermogravimetry. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1063, 251-258 2014 Elsevier
  2. Frost, R. L; López, A.; Xi, Y.; Lana, C.; Souza, L.; Scholz, R.; Sejkora, J.; Čejka, J.;  A vibrational spectroscopic study of the arsenate minerals cobaltkoritnigite and koritnigite. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 125, 313-318 2014 Elsevier
  3. Frost, R. L; Scholz, R.; López, A.; Lana, C.; Xi, Y.; A Raman and infrared spectroscopic analysis of the phosphate mineral wardite NaAl3 (PO4) 2 (OH) 4⋅ 2 (H2O) from Brazil. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 126, 164-169 2014 Elsevier
  4. Frost, R.L; López, A.; Xi, Y.; Scholz, R.; Souza, U.; Lana, C.;     The molecular structure of the borate mineral rhodizite (K, Cs) Al4Be4 (B, Be) 12O28–A vibrational spectroscopic study, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 128, 291-294 2014 Elsevier
  5. Frost, R. L; Scholz, R.; López, A.; Firmino, B.E; Lana, C.; Xi, Y.; A Raman and infrared spectroscopic characterisation of the phosphate mineral phosphohedyphane Ca2Pb3 (PO4) 3Cl from the Roote mine, Nevada, USA, Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 127,  237-242 2014
  6. Frost, R. L; López, A.; Xi, Y.; Scholz, R.; Lana, Cr.;  A vibrational spectroscopic study of the silicate mineral plumbophyllite Pb2Si4O10⋅ H2O. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 128, 665-670   2014 Elsevier
  7. Gonçalves, L.; Farina, F.; Lana, C.; Pedrosa-Soares, A. C; Alkmim, F.; Nalini Jr, N.;  New U–Pb ages and lithochemical attributes of the Ediacaran Rio Doce magmatic arc, Araçuaí confined orogen, southeastern Brazil. Journal of South American Earth Sciences, 52, 129-148 2014  Pergamon
  8. Frost, R. L; López, A.; Scholz, R.; Xi, Y.; Lana, C.;  The molecular structure of the phosphate mineral beraunite Fe2+ Fe53+ (PO4) 4 (OH) 5⋅ 4H2O–A vibrational spectroscopic study. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 128, 408-412 2014 Elsevier
  9. Oliveira, C.; Lana,C;  O registro do vulcanismo  calimiano no Espinhaço Central (MG): caracterização petrofaciológica, geoquímica e geocronológica. Geociências (São Paulo), 33, 119-135 2014         
  10. Frost, R. L; Scholz, R.; López, A.; Xi, Y.; Lana, C.;  Vibrational spectroscopy of the sulphate mineral sturmanite from Kuruman manganese deposits, South Africa. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 133, 24-30 2014
  11. Carvalho, R.; Rosière, C.; Rolim, V.; Lana, C.; Santos, João Orestes Schneider; A sequência orosiriana-estateriana e geometria transpressiva na região de Santa Maria de Itabira, Minas Gerais. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 14,  111-120 2014       
  12. Hippertt, JP; Lana, C; Weinberg, RF; Tohver, E; Schmieder, M; Scholz, R; Gonçalves, L; Hippertt, JF;  Liquefaction of sedimentary rocks during impact crater development. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 408, 285-295 2014 Elsevier
  13. Frost, R.L; Scholz, R.; Lópes, A.; Xi, Y.; Gobac, Ž.; Lana, C.; Vibrational spectroscopy of the borate mineral gaudefroyite Ca4Mn3-x3+ (BO3) 3 (CO3)(O, OH) from N’Chwaning II mine, Kalahari, Republic of South Africa. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 120, 265-269            2014    Elsevier
  14. Carvalho, R.; Rosière, C.; Rolim, V.; Lana, C.; Santos, O.; The orosirian-statherian sequence and transpressive geometry in Santa Maria de Itabira, Minas G. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 14, 111-120 2014 Instituto de Geociências, Universidade de São Paulo


  1. Romano, Rafael; Lana, Cristiano; Alkmim, Fernando F; Stevens, Gary; Armstrong, Richard; Stabilization of the southern portion of the São Francisco craton, SE Brazil, through a long-lived period of potassic magmatism. Precambrian Research, 224, 143-159          2013    Elsevier
  2. Lana, Cristiano; Alkmim, Fernando F; Armstrong, Richard; Scholz, Ricardo; Romano, Rafael; Nalini Jr, Herminio A;     The ancestry and magmatic evolution of Archaean TTG rocks of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero province, southeast Brazil. Precambrian Research, 231, 157-173  2013
  3. Neri, Marcos Eduardo Nilton Vieira; Rosière, Carlos Alberto; Lana, Cristiano; Supergrupo Minas na Serra de Bom Sucesso, extremo sudoeste do Quadrilátero Ferrífero-MG: petrografia, geoquímica e isótopos de U-Pb. Geologia USP Série Científica, 13, 175-202 2013 
  4. Tohver, Eric; Cawood, Peter Anthony; Riccomini, Claudio; Lana, C; Trindade, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da; Shaking a methane fizz: Seismicity from the Araguainha impact event and the Permian–Triassic global carbon isotope record. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 387, 66-75 2013            Elsevier
  5. Frost, Ray L; Xi, Yunfei; López, Andrés; Scholz, Ricardo; de Carvalho Lana, Cristiano; e Souza, Bárbara Firmino;  Vibrational spectroscopic characterization of the phosphate mineral barbosalite Fe2+ Fe23+ (PO4) 2 (OH) 2–Implications for the molecular structure. Journal of Molecular Structure, 1051, 292-298 2013        
  6. Frost, Ray L; Xi, Yunfei; López, Andrés; Scholz, Ricardo; Lana, Cristiano de Carvalho;  Vibrational spectroscopic characterization of the phosphate mineral barbosalite [Formula: see text]–Implications for the molecular structure. Journal of molecular structure, 1051, 252-259
  7. Neri, Marcos Eduardo Nilton Vieira; Rosière, Carlos Alberto; Lana, Cristiano de Carvalho; Minas Supergroup in Serra de Bom Sucesso, extreme southwest of the Quadrilátero Ferrífero-MG: petrography, geochemistry and U-Pb isotope. Geologia USP. Série Científica, 13, 175-202 2013


  1. Tohver, E; Lana, C; Cawood, PA; Fletcher, IR; Jourdan, Fred; Sherlock, Sarah; Rasmussen, Birger; Trindade, RIF; Yokoyama, E; Souza Filho, CR;  Geochronological constraints on the age of a Permo–Triassic impact event: U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar results for the 40 km Araguainha structure of central Brazil. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 86, 214-227 2012
  2. Taylor, J; Stevens, G; Buick, IS; Lana, C;  Successive midcrustal, high-grade metamorphic events provide insight into Mid-Archean mountain-building along the SE margin of the proto–Kaapvaal craton. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 124, 1191-1211      
  3. Tong, CH; Elis, VR; Lana, C; Marangoni, Yára Regina;  Electrical imaging of impact structures. Surveys in Geophysics, 33, 861-868 2012       
  4. Yokoyama, Elder; Trindade, Ricardo Ivan Ferreira da; Lana, C; Souza Filho, Carlos Roberto de; Baratoux, D; Marangoni, Yára Regina; Tohver, Eric; Magnetic fabric of Araguainha complex impact structure (Central Brazil): Implications for deformation mechanisms and central uplift formation. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 331, 347-359 2012
  5. Taylor, J; Stevens, Gary; Lana, C;  Age and field relationships of Mahamba orthogneisses and Mkhondo Valley metamorphic suite paragneisses from the Mkhondo river, ancient gneiss complex, Swaziland. South African Journal of Geology, 115, 369-384  2012    Geological Society of South Africa