The Saturn project is aimed at developing geo-software for industry and academic applications. The project started with two application software that are currently being tested the LA ICP MS U-Pb Saturn and TE Saturn. These apps are used for LA-ICP-MS data reduction of U-Pb and Trace Element data.
The Saturn package will have a collection of open-source freeware for LA-ICP-MS data reduction. The apps are being developed to provide easy interaction and visualization of LA-ICP-MS dataset. The idea is to allow fast and reliable data reduction of hundreds of data points. Saturn offers dynamic graphic interfaces to quickly view, evaluate, and plot isotope and trace element data. It operates online (or offline), allowing the freedom to change parameters and reprocess data at any data acquisition stage.
All graphic interfaces are designed to give users interactive operations with the data set, including (1) choosing the best statistics for drift correction, (2) including/excluding offset factors, and (3) applying (or not) Pbc corrections in different modes.
Signal intensities are displayed in separate graphic interfaces that allow users to interact with the time-resolved signal of individual spot analyses.
All graphic windows are connected; any modification to data treatment (e.g., inclusion or exclusion of reference material, or modification of the time-resolved signal windows) is instantaneously updated on the data tables.
The apps are particularly attractive for beginners in LA-ICP-MS as it is non-commercial, easy to install, and remarkably interactive. The software was built on a free platform and is open for inspection and modification.